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School-Connect Standards Alignment

School-Connect lessons meet the requirements of many social and emotional learning (SEL) standards, counseling guidelines, freshman seminar programs, and Common Core.

CLICK Standard title to download details of standards alignment.

Standard Alignment Basis
School-Connect Alignment with Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards Based on Austin Independent School District’s (AISD) SEL standards build around the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competencies.
School-Connect Alignment with Character Education Based on Texas’s Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Positive Character Traits and Personal Skills.
School-Connect Alignment with National Counseling Standards Based on the American School Counselors Association (ASCA)’s Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student.
School-Connect Alignment with Risk & Protective Factors Protective factors support a lower likelihood of risk behaviors and negative outcomes.
School-Connect Alignment with Freshman Seminar Standards Based on Texas’ Methods of Academic and Personal Success (MAPS) Freshman Seminar Course.
School-Connect Alignment with Common Core Based on the Common Core State Standards Initiative: Preparing America’s Students for College & Career.
Social, Emotional and Character Development (SECD) Model Standards Based on Kansas’ state standards for meeting character development, personal development, and social development while also incorporating social emotional learning competencies.
College & Career Readiness Standards Texas: Based on Career Preparation for Texas’ Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
Academic Standards for Career Education and Work Based on the Pennsylvania (PA) Department of Education’s Career Education and Work Standards which include: 1) career awareness and exploration, 2) employability skills, 3) growth and advancement, and 4) personal interests and career planning.
School-Connect Alignment with Health Education Standards Based on the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America’s National Health Education Standards.
School-Connect Alignment with Colorado’s Academic Standards School-Connect 4.0 aligns with most of the evidence outcomes for Reading, Writing and Communicating – Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening, and Comprehensive Health – Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness standards.
School-Connect Alignment with Arizona’s Character Education Guidelines Arizona’s character education guidelines introduce students to character traits and personal skills that help them to be citizens who are trustworthy, responsible, and caring.
School-Connect Alignment with Connecticut’s Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits The Connecticut Components of Social, Emotional and Intellectual Habits represent the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that form an essential blueprint for social-emotional habits and academic success.
School-Connect Alignment with New York SEL Benchmarks Based on the New York State Education Department’s Social Emotional Learning Goals.
School-Connect Alignment with California SEL Standards SEL Standards for California and other states based on the CASEL Competencies.
School-Connect 4.0 Alignment with Ohio’s Social and Emotional Learning Standards Based on Ohio's five standards that parallel the CASEL Competencies -- self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
If you would like us to assess how School-Connect aligns with your state’s or program’s standards, please e-mail Julea Douglass ( and we will review your standards and e-mail you back a lesson alignment.

Student Survey Results

What have you learned from this class?

  • “I learned how to be a lot better about my grades”
  • “I learned to keep my priorities straight”
  • “How to communicate my feelings”
  • “I learned that being a good listener is a good thing”
  • “It takes up to 20 interactions to change a first impression”
  • “How bad bullying really is”
  • “How to take effective notes”
  • “How to cope with stress”
  • “I learned how to go through tough situations”
  • “That it is important to talk to your teachers”
  • “Always stay on top of my grades”
  • “I learned how to control my anger if anything happened”
  • “The benefits of going to college”
  • “Teen dating and relationships”
  • “I learned how not to let peer pressure get to you”
  • “Dealing with gossip”
  • “I have learned how to prepare myself for tests”
  • “How to step back and manage my emotions”