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Mod 4: Collaborating on Group Projects
4.1: Preparing for Group Projects
4.2: Collaborating Effectively
4.3: Disagreeing Respectively
4.4: Brainstorming and Idea Building
4.5: Agreeing on Group Responsibilities
4.6: Negotiating Within Groups
4.7: Practicing Group Work
4.8: Reflecting on Lessons Learned
4.9: Presenting a Service Project Plan (PBL)
4.10: Mod. 4 Reflection & Assessment
*All modules are 10 lessons plus boosters leading to a culminating project & assessment.

Mod 4 Skill-building and Scaffolding
Working cooperatively and in collaboration with co-workers and colleagues are highly prized skills in the workplace. Consequently, schools often provide opportunities for students to work together in teams on group projects. As the first lesson shows, students have varied evaluations of the effectiveness of these group experiences, often preferring to either work alone, and thus have greater control over the final product, or work with students who will share the burden and provide leadership (or even carry the workload). Clearly, students need skills necessary to effectively work in groups or teams.
Module 4 introduces the “forming—storming—norming—performing” model of group development, first proposed by Bruce Tuckman (1965) and widely used in workplace settings ever since (Bonebright, 2010). Tuckman viewed these stages as necessary for teams to plan their work, find solutions to problems, and deliver results—and for team members to grow personally and professionally.
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“Being a good LISTENER is a good thing”
“Always Stay on top of my GRADES”
“How to CONTROL my anger”
“disagree without being disagreeable”