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Evaluation Reports

Evaluation Report by Agile Analytics

In a 2016 outcome study of School-Connect, Agile Analytics found that students who had a one-semester or one-year freshman seminar with the School-Connect curriculum (N = 27 classrooms and 552 ninth grade students) had significantly fewer discipline referrals for class disruption (p < .001, d = .22) and rudeness to an adult (p < .01, d = .17), and relatively higher math grades (p = .05, d = .13) and average core subject pass rates (p < .05, d = .13) than the matched comparison group of students who did not have School-Connect (N = 557 comparison students). The School-Connect students also had marginally higher average core grades when controlling for pre-test grades (p = .08, d = .11). At six-month follow-up, School- Connect students had significantly lower overall discipline referral rates (p < .01, d = .22) and relatively higher average social studies grades (p < .001, d = .43) in tenth grade, but the comparison group students had slightly higher average math and English grades (p < .01, d = .18 p < .01, d = .19). The analysis indicates that School-Connect students exhibited positive academic and behavioral outcomes at post-test and six-month follow-up but may benefit from continued intervention to maintain academic outcomes.

CLICK for the full report – “School-Connect Intervention Impact on High School Students’ Discipline Referrals and Academic Outcomes.

Evaluation Report by Multi-Dimensional Education, Inc.

A comprehensive evaluation report (2014) on a study conducted by Multi-Dimensional Education Inc. provides evidence related to the efficacy of the School-Connect curriculum. The Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) results of this study suggest that while statistically controlling for variables (covariates) of baseline dependent variable measures, clarssrooms reporting higher levels of implementation of School-Connect also report statistically significant higher, more healthy and positive levels of school climate, faculty fidelity, educational attitudes and developmental perspectives when compared to classrooms reporting lower levels of implementation. Utilizing a multi-dimensional approach to assessing the outcomes associated with the implementation of School-Connect, this study supports School-Connect's positive impact on education and classrooms seeking to help students successfully transition into high school.

School-Connect, 3rd Edition Pilot Study

As part of the development process, School-Connect, Third Edition was piloted and monitored in five high schools in Austin Independent School District (AISD) over a two-year period. In the first year, 26 teachers and approximately 750 high school students taking a one-semester or one-year course for freshmen called MAPS (Methods for Personal and Academic Success) participated in the pilot study. Teacher and student surveys found that in medium to high implementation classes (classes that taught 20 or more of the 60 lessons):

  • 88.9% of students said they “enjoyed taking this class”
  • 88.6% said they “learned a lot in this class”
  • 76.8% said the “class had helped me in school”
  • 81% agreed or strongly agreed that “all students should have this class”

Amongst all teachers (high, medium and low implementers):

  • 76% they were very or highly satisfied with the School-Connect program
  • 96% reported they were very or highly satisfied with the teacher training provided by School-Connect Co-Author, R. Keeth Matheny.

Participating teachers reported that the greatest improvement in students' social, emotional, and academic skills and attitudes they observed were evident in:

  • Classroom climate
  • Emotional management
  • Respecting others
  • Problem-solving skills

For most classes, teachers who reported being very or highly satisfied with the curriculum and using a majority of lessons, had students who were more satisfied with the class experience than students in "low implementation" classes who received fewer than 20 of the 60 lessons. CLICK for the full report.

EVALUATION results are in!

Students in freshman seminars with School-Connect had relatively higher grades and pass rates, and significantly fewer discipline referrals for class disruption and rudeness to an adult than students without School-Connect.

What STUDENTS are saying...

In a recent School-Connect student survey, students said:

“I enjoy taking this class“
(88.9% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“I have learned a lot in this class“
(88.6% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“I find the School-Connect lessons are relevant to my life“
(72.5% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“I have used the knowledge and skills from the School-Connect lessons in real life“
(67.1% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“This class has helped me in school“
(76.8% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“I feel comfortable in this class“
(92.8% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“Since taking this class I am more responsible in school“
(73.1% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“Since taking this class I am better at managing my emotions“
(67.3% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“Since taking this class my grades have gone up“
(65.7% "agree" or "strongly agree")

“I think all students should have this class“
(81.0% "agree" or "strongly agree")