School-Connect in:
School-Connect CORE lessons and/or boosters can be integrated into regular classes as time allows. Because the CORE lessons are 25-minutes and most boosters range from 5 – 15 minutes, School-Connect topics can be part of regular 50-minute and/or 90-minute classes.
We recommend academic class teachers establish predictable routines students can look forward to (e.g., “Fun Fridays with a School-Connect lesson,” starting Mondays with a Get Centered activity, using Get Connected interactive games for regular class climate-builders).
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From an S-C Teacher: To Teach My Students, I Had to Learn First

“There’s a saying that we often teach that which we need to learn. The opportunity this curriculum and class has given me to become a better teacher, a better mother, a better wife, and a better human is undefinable. I think every teacher should have the opportunity to connect with their students this way at least once in their career.”

School-Connect in Education Journals:

Relating to Romeo: Connecting
Students and Curricula
PDF, 6 pages

Educational Leadership - April 2007
PDF, 5 pages