School-Connect in:
School-Connect works well in alternative education schools to help boost academic motivation and hone skills in emotional management, conflict resolution, and preparing for employment. School-Connect’s overarching goal is to reduce the risk factors that lead to academic failure and bolster protective factors. School-Connect lessons and class environment are designed to alleviate most of the leading factors associated with drop out (Bridgeland, 2006; Doll et al., 2013; Hayasaki, 2006):
- Truancy (skipping multiple classes)
- Repeating a grade
- Having friends who are disinterested in school
- Thinking school is boring
- Doing less than an hour of homework a night
- Feeling unprepared for high school after elementary and middle school
- Transferring schools
- Having less parent involvement
- Responding to personal and economic situations (e.g., pregnancy, full-time employment, family responsibilities)

What TEACHERS are saying…
“School-Connect has been great! We have incorporated the curriculum in to our Jobs for America's Graduates course. The students are responding very well! I think we all enjoy the hands on videos and the opportunity to spend time together. 90% of our course work is an online curriculum so I think the student truly enjoy engaging with each other.”