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Mod 1: School-Connect Foundations
1.1: Getting to Know You
1.2: Appreciating the Power of a Name
1.3: Introducing School-Connect (S-C)
1.4: Understanding Your Brain
1.5: Growing and Improving
1.6: Setting up for School Success
1.7: Checking in on Ourselves and Others
1.8: Finding Calm
1.9: Agreeing on a Class Contract (PBL)
1.10: S-C Foundations Reflection/Assessment
*All modules are 10 lessons plus boosters leading to a culminating project & assessment.

Mod 1 Skill-building and Scaffolding
School-Connect Foundations are key intrapersonal (within oneself) and interpersonal (between oneself and others) concepts and skills that form the basis of the curriculum. These include promoting students’ sense of belonging in school, ability to manage their emotions and behavior, and academic motivation and preparedness.
The first week of class is a critical window for students as they decide whether, or not, they will look forward to coming to school — and being in this class — over the ensuing semester/year. The first three lessons (1.1 – 1.3) help to create positive connections among class members and establish the course subject — social, emotional, and academic skill-building — as relevant to their lives. These lessons introduce and reinforce Think-Pair-Share, an important curriculum strategy that encourages students to listen respectfully and actively to one another.
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What STUDENT say…
What have you learned from School-Connect?
“How to COPE with stress”
“get BETTER grades”
“keep priorities straight”
“NOT FLIP my lid”
“RESOLVE conflicts”
“FORGIVE others”