Mod 8: Skill-building for Mental Health & Well-being
8.1: Increasing Your Emotional Awareness
8.2: Appreciating the Power of Thought
8.3: Coping with Stress/Anxiety
8.4: Understanding Sadness/Depression
8.5: Breaking Through Loneliness
8.6: Recognizing When You/Others Need Help
8.7: Practicing Self-Care
8.8: Cultivating Hope and Happiness
8.9: Raising Awareness for Mental Health (PBL)
8.10: Mod 8 Reflection & Assessment
*All modules are 10 lessons plus boosters leading to a culminating project & assessment.
8.2: Appreciating the Power of Thought
8.3: Coping with Stress/Anxiety
8.4: Understanding Sadness/Depression
8.5: Breaking Through Loneliness
8.6: Recognizing When You/Others Need Help
8.7: Practicing Self-Care
8.8: Cultivating Hope and Happiness
8.9: Raising Awareness for Mental Health (PBL)
8.10: Mod 8 Reflection & Assessment
*All modules are 10 lessons plus boosters leading to a culminating project & assessment.
Teens need our help—now more than ever. A recent CDC report released February 2023 shares alarming statistics. Among teen girls:
- 57% reported persistent despair compared to 29% of boys
- Nearly 1 in 3 (30%) seriously considered attempting suicide—up nearly 60% since 2011

The CDC report writes:
“While all teens reported increasing mental health challenges, experiences of violence, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors, girls fared worse than boys across nearly all measures… ‘High school should be a time for trailblazing, not trauma. These data show our kids need far more support to cope, hope, and thrive,’ Debra Houry, M.D., M.P.H., CDC’s Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director for Program and Science. ‘Proven school prevention programs can offer teens a vital lifeline in these growing waves of trauma.’”
Many attribute this staggering escalation in mental health and wellness indicators—especially among girls—to: a) social media/screentime and b) isolation from COVID conditions and screentime. In the School-Connect Teen Voices interviews it was remarkable how many times students—especially girls—used the term “comparison.” Today’s teens are bombarded with images of an unattainable life. They will never feel as “beautiful” or “popular” or “successful” as the images they compare themselves to. They are left feeling hopeless, lonely, and inadequate.
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What STUDENTS say…
“Before I was like really, really sad and so I wanted to work on mind and body. And for some reason I wanted to become really flexible—both physically and mentally.
So I started doing yoga in my room in the morning and started reading more. Then I went on walks and talked to new people. I made sure that myself was in check before anyone else was.”
- Star, Teen Voices Interviewee
CONTACT US for Module 8 sample videos & lessons.
We’d be happy to meet by Zoom for a DEMO of this module and any other lessons.