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School-Connect Modules 1-8 purposefully parallel top employability skills:
Throughout the lessons, student practice communication skills, teamwork, emotional management, time management, and collaborating effectively. Additionally, Module 7: Setting and Achieving Long-Term Goals provides guidance in career exploration and steps towards furthering their education in college, the military, and/or a trade school.
School-Connect Module 10: Developing Employability Skills digs into skills most important to getting and keeping a job in high school and adulthood. The module starts with students reflecting on what kind of job they’d like in high school, and then take the steps toward applying for a job (writing a resume and interviewing effectively). Lessons then delve into navigating common challenges and opportunities of employment: providing customer service, developing a work ethic, problem-solving in the workplace, and responding to feedback. Excellent for meeting and supporting CCMR (College, Career, and Military Readiness) education.

TIPS for a Successful Vocational Education Implementation:

  • Provide School-Connect training for seminar teachers.
  • Reinforce and create opportunities for students to practice top employability skills in your classroom — eye contact, communication skills, teamwork, delegating responsibilities, problem-solving skills, etc.
  • Keep classes small: 10-20 students.
  • Adjust role plays and activities to workplace applications.
  • Keep employers informed about School-Connect skills.
  • Have students present a culminating project about skills they applied in their job/internship.
What TEACHERS are saying…
“School-Connect has been great! We have incorporated the curriculum in to our Jobs for America's Graduates course. The students are responding very well! I think we all enjoy the hands on videos and the opportunity to spend time together. 90% of our course work is an online curriculum so I think the student truly enjoy engaging with each other.”