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Learning Strategies
Inspired by brain science and social learning theory, most core lessons follow the same learning arc:
Get Started ➔ Essential Questions ➔ Teen Voices Video ➔ Think-Pair-Share ➔ Knowledge Hub ➔ Activity ➔ Wrap Up ➔ Reflection/Application ➔ Exit Ticket.
This learning sequence purposefully taps into curiosity, community building, and skill development. This is not a sit-and-get. Within this 25-minutes, students will connect with their classmates, learn evidence-based skill-building strategies, and then practice and apply these skills to real life.
Get Started: Quick reflection for before/after the bell rings to spark curiosity and cue learning. Activity: Interactive and/or reflective opportunities for students to practice SEL skills and lesson content.
Essential Questions: Questions to introduce the lesson but answer at the end of class. Wrap Up: Summarizes key points and revisits essential questions.
Teen Voices Video: Current high school students speak from experience on lesson-related content. Reflection/Application: In class and/or take home self-assessment or activity to apply lesson content to real life.
Think-Pair-Share: Students write a response (think), partner with a classmate (pair), and then discuss with class (share). Exit Ticket: Students say the exit ticket to the teacher at the door as they leave w/ a high-5 or fist/elbow bump.
Knowledge Hub Video: Expert educators and S-C alumni (Coach Rudy’s former students) share effective research-based strategies. SEL Skill-Builder: Reminders within lessons to practice essentials during activities.
These lessons really will take the full 25 minutes. Plan to have the “Get Started” activity on the screen when students walk in and keep the lesson progressing at a steady pace. Tighter time frames encourage student engagement and focus.