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Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for Middle and High Schools
School-Connect is a leading provider of secondary school social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. Our multimedia curriculum is designed to improve middle and high school students’ social, emotional, and academic skills and strengthen relationships among students and between students and teachers.
School-Connect 4.0 consists of eight modules based on CASEL's Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies identified by researchers as critical to success in school, the workplace, and life in general: social awareness, self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

Mod 1: School-Connect Foundations
Mod 2: Improving Communication Skills
Mod 3: Boosting Academic Skills & Motivation
Mod 4: Collaborating on Group Projects
Mod 5: Supporting Empathy & Inclusion
Mod 6: Building Relationships & Resolving Conflicts
Mod 7: Setting & Achieving Long-Term Goals
Mod 8: Skill-building for Mental Health & Well-being
Mod 10: Developing Employability Skills
Mod 11: Planning for Higher Education

School-Connect 4.0 Features
After nearly 20 years of developing curriculum and learning from teachers and students, we’ve got you covered:
  • 25-minute CORE lessons then add BOOSTERS as you have time
  • Multimedia slide presentations w/ embedded videos & activities
  • Knowledge Hubs (like 3-minute TEDTalks in every lesson)
  • Teen Voices videos w/ real students speaking from experience
  • Lesson outlines at-a-glance for teachers
  • Handouts for students in writable, Google docs, and Spanish
  • Closed captions in English and Spanish for all videos
  • Family discussions & activities in EQ @ Home or School

Knowledge Hub Videos with Expert Educators and S-C Alumni
R. Keeth Matheny
(“Coach Rudy”)
Leslie Oduwole
(“Coach O”)
Educator, coach, and assistant principal
Steph Nichols
Educator and “Teacher of the Year”
Erica Rascon
Mindfulness expert and educator
Coach Rudy’s former students return nearly 10 years later to share “lessons learned” that helped them sucessfully navigate high school, college, and adult life.
Whitney Brown
Howard University Grad
Benny Romero
Duke University Grad
Gabby Gutierrez
Texas Tech Grad
+Plus additional Knowledge Hub speakers who specialize in school counseling, school climate, and college prep not pictured here but included in module preview videos and School-Connect 4.0 console.
Request a Demo, 3-Day Trial, or Info Pack

Want more info about School-Connect? Choose a free information packet, demo, or 3-Day trial from the request menu below.

Your privacy is important to us. We will contact you if there is an issue with your request.

What TEACHERS say...
"You tell students to 'be calm, 'be respecful, 'be invested in their education' but you've never taught them what that actually means- that's what School-Connect does."
- Will Harper, Teacher, Washoe CSD, NV
Module 1 PREVIEW Module 2 PREVIEW Module 3 PREVIEW Module 4 PREVIEW Module 5 PREVIEW Module 6 PREVIEW S-C Brain Science